
Baby Steps, Perspective and Long Term Thinking…

This week my Quarterly Report came back from the printer just in time for all kinds of important economic events! Debt ceiling decisions, credit downgrades and unemployment rate reports all came in after we went to print so I thought I’d share a couple of things in conjunction with my report to round out the information.

Today the Huffington Post reported the US economy added 117,000 jobs in July which is great news that goes right in line with my observations of Q2-2011.

The big news as most of you know is the debt ceiling battle and subsequent credit downgrade. I don’t know about most of you but my head sometimes starts to spin with all this news. Wells Fargo released this fantastic explanation about the issue which helps to explain it in mostly plain English.

All this supports my assertion that long term thinking in all that we do is key. There won’t be any quick resolutions to the problems at hand. Baby steps, perspective and long term thinking is my mantra!

Best Regards,