
From Bears to Bulls…

I know, I know,

A real estate agent telling you to buy a house is like a car salesman telling you it’s time for a trade-in right?

If you know me at all you know that I work very hard to give people advice that fits their individual situation and best interest. This advice is often NOT to buy or sell depending on the conditions of the market and their objectives.

This remains the same despite market trends. However, when the people that predicted the
housing “bubble” begin telling us that it’s now time to buy, I start listening…

John R. Talbott is a bestselling author and economic consultant.
When housing prices started to skyrocket in 2003, he published The Coming Crash in the Housing Market, correctly warning us that a real estate bubble was forming. Then in January 2006, he called the absolute peak of home prices in the US by releasing a new book, Sell Now! The End of the Housing Bubble.

Well, in a recent article, Homes – Buy Now! , Talbott simply explains:

“I have been waiting for more than five years to offer this advice. It is now time in most cities across the country to buy a new home or refinance your existing home with thirty-year fixed rate mortgage debt.”

So if you have been curious about buying a home but not sure the timing is right I can tell you that the market says it is.  Whether it’s right for you, well that’s something I can help you determine.  Give me a call to discuss your options.
