Categoriesevents, info for buyers, info for home owners, Windermere

Spring Clean Event

When:     April 24th, 10am – 12pm

Where:    Windermere Parking Lot

               4526 California Ave SW

               (Entrance on 42nd)
What:      Safe document shredding
It’s that time of year again…Tax Time!

One of the questions that seems to come to mind every year is what documents and receipts we need to keep, and for how long?  Then, when it’s finally time to purge, there is concern about identity theft and proper disposal.  It’s enough to make us throw everything in a box and bury it in the backyard!

After giving it a little thought we decided to team up with other agents in our office to put on an event to help our clients safely dispose of their unwanted documents. You are invited to join us April 24th from 10am -12pm.  Bring all those boxes of old statements and receipts.  We will have an industrial shredder set-up and plenty of space for everyone’s stuff to go safely and securely to the recycling plant as confetti!

In preparation for the event, here’s what the IRS has to say about what you should keep and in what format you should keep it.  And we found a good chart  of this information at   As always, we recommend you consult your accountant to verify what you can safely dispose of.

We look forward to seeing you at the Windermere Spring Clean!
Warm Regards,

Windermere Real Estate

Categoriesinfo for home owners, referrals

Curb Appeal is King!

We recently mailed out the 2009-2010 Cost vs Value report and thought we would share the info online as well.  The Cost vs Value report is produced by Remodeling Magazine together with the National Association of Realtors.  We find it to be a valuable resource each year to keep an eye on trends and expectations regarding home improvement projects.

This year we’ve seen some changes, and some continuation of trends, in the area of return on investment (ROI) for home improvement projects.  In reading through the content of this years report we find a downward trend in ROI for most home improvement projects but there is hope.  With the stabilization of the economy and eventual recovery we expect to see a stabilization and improvement in ROI as well.  Analysts speculate that the consumer may choose more modest projects based on more modest budgets and that is reflected in the percentages of return on smaller projects being higher than on large scale projects.

Curb Appeal is King according to this years report.  7 of the 10 projects with the best return things that improve the curb appeal of a home.  Partially because curb appeal is good for attracting buyers but also because those projects tend to be less expensive.

We asked one of our favorite general contractors, Gary Gutierrez with ACS Seattle, what he thinks about the report.  This is what he has observed over the course of the recession and how he has managed to stay competitive without cutting corners:

“Certainly the higher end remodels are down and pricing is fiercely competitive.  In my little world I have reduced my window replacement prices by 20% to get competitive and win more window replacement jobs.  This is the easiest for me to gauge as it only involves one trade and costs are simple to compute.  My cost for the windows have not gone down and have increased about 5% as stated in the Cost vs Value report.  I know lumber and basic other building materials have come down some but materials are typically only about 20-25% of the cost of a remodel job.  I have always been the project manager and have typically had a lead carpenter rather than supervisor concept which eliminates waste in my labor expense.  This is mainly how I have been able to make it.  Everyone who works for me is actually producing, not just supervising.”

If you’d like to read more about what projects give the most bang for the buck and some other tips on how to be efficient when making improvements to your home check out the entire report.

If you are contemplating a project or weighing the idea of moving against a remodel let us know.  We can help you make informed decisions and we always enjoy hearing  what you are working on.
Warm Regards,

Windermere Real Estate

Categorieseconomy, info for home owners

The Politics of Foreclosure

We are all facing the challenges of the economic downturn in one way or another.  Many of our good friends and clients have lost their jobs and are struggling.  Over the last year and for the much of the coming year, a big segment of our work is devoted to providing solid information and expertise to assist with sometimes difficult transitions.  We just want to thank our clients for placing their confidence and trust in us.

Last weekend there was a great program on KUOW about “The Politics of Foreclosure” (to best listen to the program, click on the “download” link under the “Listen to Weekday” section).  We encourage you to take some time and listen to this discussion.  Steve Scher invited a panel of local experts who have very interesting insights into the current state of foreclosures in our area.  The Seattle area is more solid and hopeful than most areas of the country, but it is predicted that our area will still experience a higher than normal level of foreclosures as adjustable rate mortgages and sub-prime mortgages continue to reset. 

The good news:

  • There is more strength in the market in the last few months and more buyers buying homes due to low interest rates and the Federal tax credits. 
  • 87% of the sub-prime mortgages (most risky) have already reset and the remaining adjustable rate mortgages that are due to reset have a “soft landing” with the current low interest rates
  • We have a diverse economy in our region and jobs are a key factor in home sales and overall recovery.

We know that the homeowners who are most at risk are those who bought or refinanced (and maybe took out equity) since the height of the market in 2007.  For these homeowners, they may be upside down on their mortgage if they need to sell because home values have decreased over that period.  The options for loan modification are limited, but work is being done to address this issue.  Our expertise is in selling homes, so we cannot assist you with loan modification questions, but we know of some resources to pass along and would love to learn from you, too!
Warm Regards,

Categoriesinfo for home owners, referrals

Color: Reinvent Your Space

The nights are longer; the days are darker; the wind and rain make coming home a welcome idea.  But as you open the door to go inside, maybe your home isn’t as welcoming as you’d like it to be; it’s dark, uninspired and even, boring.  If this rings true for you, maybe it’s time to think about purposefully utilizing the power of color in your home.

Color can make a home happier, more inviting, cozier or more spacious.  It can also make it more dramatic and brighter.  Color instantly influences one’s mood, suggests a “feeling”, changes the perception of space and the quality of light.  Color is one of the biggest (and most economical ways) of transforming the look and feel of a home.

When determining the appropriate colors for any space, your lifestyle, personalities, furnishings as well as the availability of natural light a space receives should be carefully considered.  We know how important color decisions are for enhancing interior spaces, and also know that it’s easy to “miss.”  This week we’ve been inspired by Renee Marquardt’s expertise as an interior designer and her focus this time of year on transforming your space through color.  Renee is offering our clients a color consultation for $150 (a $200 value), and we highly recommend you consider calling on her if you are craving a new look and feel for a space in your home.  The assistance of an interior designer who can fine tune the color selections with all of your specific elements in mind is invaluable.

Renee also offers a wide range of services, including help with re-arranging your rooms with the furniture you have up to full service interior design.  With confidence, we refer Renee and Marquardt Interior Design, and feel free to call us to discuss any questions you have.

For further information on color consultation, please contact Renee Marquardt with Marquardt Interior Design at 206.491.9605 or [email protected]

Warm regards,

Windermere Real Estate

Categoriesinfo for home owners

Summer Home Maintenance Tips

Regular home maintenance can mean the difference between small, manageable repairs or costly endeavors when things are left untended too long. It can also save you money by keeping your systems working efficiently.

We know, from experience, that having a system and checklist are valuable tools to help break things into manageable pieces. Here are a few suggestions to help get you started:

  • Build a maintenance binder. Use dividers for sections such as interior, exterior, basement, attic, garage and systems. Keep all receipts and warranties under each designated section.
  • DIY Home Maintenance website has a fantastic seasonal checklist to help keep you on track. Print out a copy and get started!
  • In the mean time here are a few things to do this summer before the weather gets cold and rainy.
    Examine foundation walls for cracks or other signs of moisture and repair if needed.
  • Call your HVAC specialist for your semi-annual maintenance before it is time to turn on the central air.
  • If it’s not time for a professional furnace service check the furnace and change the filter. Make sure you have a good supply of furnace filters to take you through the year.
  • Check refrigerator and freezer door seals twice a year to make sure they are air tight. Pull the fridge out and clean behind and around making sure all the coils are clean.
  • Examine the window caulking each fall when you check on the storm windows. Clean the gutters as needed. Make sure the path is clear to utility meters.
  • Make sure air vents inside and out are not blocked by foliage or debris and check attics for evidence of condensation.


Windermere Real Estate

Categoriesgoing green, info for home owners

Time to improve energy efficiency in your home?

Benefits of Energy Audit Services:

  • Increases home comfort
  • Saves on utility bills
  • Increases home value
  • Improves the environment

A few inspection companies are starting to offer Home Energy Auditing Services with very positive results for homeowners and the environment. The audit is conducted like a typical home inspection where the inspector guides you through your home room by room, it lasts 1-2 hours and the cost is $350 (prices are based on square feet, starting at $300). It is amazing to learn how many small improvements can lead to real energy (and cost) savings.

The CMC Home Energy Tune-uP program is a good starting place for Energy Audit Reports. The program was designed to help homeowners and homebuyers improve the energy efficiency of their homes. The comprehensive Tune-uP report identifies energy efficiency upgrades, estimates their costs and savings, and shows the areas of improvements that everyone can afford because the energy savings exceed the costs. For more information on the CMC Home Energy Tune-uP program and a sample report, please visit their website at

In addition to the Audit Report, there are no cost or low cost improvements to your home to help you save money on your energy bills, for example:

  • Cleaning your refrigerator coils once a year can help reduce the amount of energy consumption used by your refrigerator by up to 15%. Clean coils help the compressor cool faster and run less frequently, which extends the life of your refrigerator and reduces energy use.
  • Installing outlet and switch plate sealers on outside walls will reduce air leaks in your home. Seal leaky ducts with mastic or a metal backed tape to reduce heat loss within your ductwork.
  • Regular furnace maintenance can reduce energy costs between $18 and $60 each winter with an 80 percent efficient furnace in a 1,600 square foot home. In addition, keep inside doors open to improve air circulation and the efficiency of your heating and cooling systems.
  • A programmable thermostat can save as much as 20% on heating costs by automatically turning your heating system up or down to coincide with your daily routine. Also, lowering your thermostat temperature by four degrees can save 5 percent on heating costs.
  • Replace incandescent light bulbs with compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFL) where ever possible. Over the life of one CFL bulb, approximately 5 to 7 years, you will save approximately $25 on your electric bill. They cost a bit more, but you will change them less often and you could notice a difference on your energy bills right away.
  • Repair leaky faucets, one drop per second from a leaky faucet wastes up to 400 gallons of water a year. Not only is water being wasted, but so is the energy used to heat the water.


Windermere Real Estate